Friday, January 15, 2016

The Street Lawyer by: John Grisham

          In the "Street Lawyer" Michael the main character a lawyer. Had a hold up by a street bum. On his waist was a strip of dynamite and he had a shot gun in his right hand. The bum told the hostages to call him Mister. So Michael thought that Mister would not shoot anyone because when he ask Michael to the papers. He did not ask for any money. He was reading off a few peoples income. Asking the hostages how much money they gave to the poor and the soup houses for the poor. He just threatened Michael by shooting the sealing near his head. Which shows that he was only trying to frighten the hostages not shoot or kill anyone. Misters life is rough, cold and full of long dragged on grit. In Michael's life it is immensely different it involves luxury cars, pricy meals, and long big-ticket vacations. This is suppose to create a tenderness feeling towards the poor. Some rich people do not think of the needy enough and we need to give to receive happiness, but most do not.
       Michael sees that holding lawyers hostages because a homeless man needs money. The street bums name was Devon Hardy he was shot by the FBI in the office room. Later on Michael fond out that he was a Vietnam veteran. This changes how the reader thinks about the bum. This makes us feel sorrowful because he fought for our country and now he gets no support. Michael thinks that a hold up of lawyer hostages is more likely to occur than schools because layers are extremely greedy and the rich in general don't think of the poor at all. Michael brock is a lawyer at Drake & Sweeny. Mordecai Green, Michael's  friend which is a  lawyer for the homeless fifth Street legal clinic. Mordecai Green is a large 6 foot by 6 inch African American who loves helping the homeless.